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Nilo Sensei demonstrating a technique during the Philippine Independence Day Celebration at Philippine Consulate General Grounds, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For more action photos, click on the picture. MESSAGE FROM RONALD NILO SENSEI

Welcome to Aikido Shuseikan Website! I hope that by visiting our website you will learn not only about our club but more importantly about AIKIDO, an efficient method of self-defense developed by Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei, considered to be the greatest martial artist during his time. The word AIKIDO is derived from three Japanese characters ai, ki and do. AI means harmony and coordination and is synonymous to love. KI means spirit or energy. DO means way. Directly translated from its etymology, Aikido is the way of harmony with the spirit. Many Aikido proponents define Aikido in different ways. Some practitioners define it as a method for mind and body unification. Others define it as simply the way of harmony. Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei, Founder of Aikido, himself defined Aikido as a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family. You and me, we can make our own definition of Aikido based on our own experiences in practicing the art. Personally I would define Aikido as a way of developing harmony within my own self, harmony with others, and ultimately harmony with the whole world. Harmony should always begin within oneself. This, I think, is what O'Sensei calls "masakatsu agatsu" or "true victory is victory over oneself". When you are attuned to yourself, you project that positive feeling to others thereby harmonizing with them automatically. And when everybody is attuned to each other, then universal harmony is attained, which is the ultimate goal of Aikido.

Aikido is practical - practical in the sense that its principles can be applied not only inside the dojo but in everyday life as well. Harmony in Aikido can be translated to different areas of our lives. In practice, it means blending with the movement and energy of your partner. In dealing with other people, it is the ability to control encounters for the good of all parties, changing a hostile approach to a healthy encounter, or an attack into a handshake.

I hope to see you in one of our dojos soon!



Founded on September 13, 1997 as Genesis Aikido Club, Aikido Shuseikan is registered as a Shuyokai with International Shuyokan Aikido Federation (ISAF) - USA under Shodai Soke David A. Dye, 10th Degree Black Belt, Founder and Headmaster. Shuseikan offers martial arts instructions in Aikido, Goshin Jutsu & Taiho Jutsu under the direction of Ronald Nilo Sensei, Founder and Chief Instructor. Shuseikan members are recognized in all ISAF international branch dojos around the world. Please visit for a complete list.

The origin of Aikido Shuseikan can be traced back some time in September 1997 when Roel Santos, Ronnie Nilo, Joel Astronomia and David Reyes approached Nilo Sensei and requested for instruction in Aikido. At first Nilo Sensei had second thoughts. The idea of becoming an instructor never before came into his mind. When he started studying Aikido on March 29, 1993, his intention was only to keep physically fit and was not even interested in getting any belt. But as he came to know more about the art of Aikido and the underlying principles why O'Sensei developed it, he begun to love the art, and started adopting its principles not only during practice session but in everyday life. He finally thought it is a chance to share the wisdom of Aikido to willing and dedicated students. After getting approval from his sensei, he officially started sharing the art to his first white belts on September 13, 1997. The first dojo was a small room at Azzam compound in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia courtesy of Mr. Ali Abdul Aziz Mubarak, Camp Manager and son of Azzam Company Owner.

It is the goal of Shuseikan to teach its members not only how to defend themselves but also to inculcate in their minds the traits of a Genesis Aikidoka which are: courtesy, honor, benevolence, wisdom, sincerity, loyalty and piety.


1. There is no discord in the absolute truth of Nature, but there is discord in the realm of relative truth. Aikido is in accord with Nature.
2. Be warned against self-conceit. Know that it is brought on by shallow thinking and cheaply-bought compromise with your ideals, although Nature is boundless.
3. Cultivate the calm mind that comes from putting Nature to your body. Concentrate your thoughts on the One-Point.
4. Aikido begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy, not in form alone but in heart and mind as well.
5. As Nature loves and protects all creation and helps all things grow and develop, Aikido leads every devotee along the straight and narrow path and strives to teach mankind its truth with all sincerity.
6. Do not criticize any of the other martial arts. Speak ill of others and it will surely come back to you. The mountain does not laugh at the river because it is lowly, nor does the river speak ill of the mountain because it cannot move about.
7. Aikido strives truly to understand Nature, to be grateful for her wonderful gifts to us, to make her heart its heart and to become one with her, This striving for understanding and the practical application of the Laws of Nature, expressed in the wors AI and KI, form the fundamental concept of the art of Aikido.


1. COURTESY. Aikido begins and ends with courtesy. A Genesis Aikidoka bows toward the picture of Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei every time he enters and gets out of the dojo. He bows toward the instructor every time he steps in and out of the mat. He bows toward his partner before and after they perform a technique or demonstration. Students give respect to the instructor by calling him sensei. Senior students are addressed as sempai. In general, members call each other brother or sister.
2. HONOR. A Genesis Aikidoka respects proper authority. He does not violate the law and should observe proper conduct and good manners at all times. He is ready to defend himself against any action aimed to dishonor his art, his club and himself.
3. BENEVOLENCE. A Genesis Aikidoka never ceases to do anything good and beneficial to his fellow members and his fellowmen. The word is full of iniquities; he takes every opportunity to do something good.
4. WISDOM. A Genesis Aikidoka believes that wisdom can be derived from experience in life. There is nothing in this world that can not teach us. The birds, the trees and every thing in this world send a very special message to any one who would just listen and understand the purpose of their existence.
5. SINCERITY. A Genesis Aikidoka is genuine and honest. He is free from hypocrisy. He considers his word as his promise and keeps it.
6. LOYALTY. A Genesis Aikidoka is loyal to his club and to his art.
7. PIETY. A Genesis Aikidoka believes in God and the role of Divine Providence in all its undertakings. He respects the belief of others and does not do anything to offend their faith.


I solemnly swear that I will continue to practice the seven virtues of a true aikidoka, and that I shall regard my belt as my honor, and I will defend it against any action aimed to dishonor my art, my club and myself.

So help me God.